THE PATH TO SINGULARITY: How Technology will Challenge the Future of Humanity with an Introduction by Neil DeGrasse Tyson by J. Craig Wheeler, Ph.D. Prometheus Press, 2024
HAIR: A HUMAN HISTORY by Kurt Stenn, Pegasus Books, 2016
SEXUALITY AND DEMENTIA: Compassionate and Practical Strategies for Dealing with Unexpected Or Inappropriate
Behaviors by Douglas Wornell, MD, Demos Health, 2013
DRAGON SONGS: Love and Adventure Among Crocodiles, Alligators, and Other Dinosaur Relations by Vladimir Dinets,
Skyhorse, 2013
THE ROOF AT THE BOTTOM OF THE WORLD: Discovering the Transantarctic Mountains by Edmund Stump, Ph.D., Yale
University Press, 2011
FAVELA: Four Decades of Living on the Edge in Rio de Janeiro by Janice E. Perlman, Ph.D., Oxford University Press, 2010,
Winner of PROSE Awards for Excellence in Social Sciences, Award for Sociology and Social Work
FUTURE WATER, John Sheaffer and Leonard Stevens, William Morrow, 1983
THE HITE REPORT ON MALE SEXUALITY by Shere Hite, Alfred A. Knopf, 1981